How to do regression analysis (univariate and multivariate)? How to do advanced statistics?

The purpose of correlation analysis is to determine whether there is a connection between the items under study. On the other hand, regression analysis basically investigates the impact of the independent variable X on the dependent variable Y. It’s important to note that the presence of correlation does not imply the existence of a regression relationship.

There are two ways to complete a regression analysis on the DiVoMiner platform:

  1. Under [Statistical Analysis] – [Basic Statistics], you can run a one-way linear regression as follows:

Drag and drop a categorical variable into the [Dimension] column, drag and drop two numerical variables into the [Numerical value] column, use “Summation” as the statistical method, select Scatter chart on the right side, check the box of [Unary regression analysis], select the regression analysis method, then the regression analysis of the variables can be calculated.

  1. The second way is to produce a multiple regression analysis in [Statistical Analysis] – [Advanced Statistics] by:

Click [Create a Calculation Task], choose the statistical methods ([Linear regression] or [Linary logarithmic regression]) base on your need. Fill in the “Task Name”, select the database, X-axis and Y-axis variables, you can specify a specific range of data in [Filter condition], confirm the number of data, click [OK] to execute the algorithm.


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