- Click “Create Project” on the homepage and enter the project title.
2. Select media types, which will allow you to extract data from that media.
3. Set keywords, exclusion words, and time range. Choose between Basic (keywords with AND/OR logic) or Advanced mode (keywords with AND/OR/NOT logic). The Advanced mode necessitates the input of both keywords and logical characters. For exclusion words, Follow the same steps. After setting keywords, define the time range. Click “Next” to preview data.
4. After previewing the data, click “Add” to complete the project creation.
5. Once the project is created, [Extract] data to the database. Once the extraction is complete, you can view the data in the [Coding Library].
6. If you need to modify the subject keywords when extracting data, you can click “Keyword Preview” in the upper right corner and modify the keywords in “Set Conditions”.